6 Easy Ways in Which You can Draw Better

How do you know whether you can develop drawing as a hobby? It’s pretty simple! If you enjoy watching an expert artist drawing lines skillfully and wish that you could draw the same way, you can say that you’d love to draw and develop it as a hobby.

If you regularly try to draw, you must have realized that drawing makes you understand a substance, a person or an incidence better. It also gives you the joy of reproducing what you see. You think of proportions and colors. You think of lighting and shadows and how they define the form of a scene. In short, drawing make you enjoy every moment of watching a scene.

Here are a few useful tips that will help you draw better.

1. Practice Makes Perfect

This age-old adage is absolutely true. If you are not being successful in drawing a picture as per your expectations, don’t let it go. Keep practicing. The more you practice, the more skillful you’ll become.

2. Study Others’ Drawings

When you study masters’ drawings, you don’t have to copy them. You can learn a lot from their paintings, e.g. how they use lines and shapes, how they shade and so on. You can make use of their skills (& not copy) in your drawings.

3. Draw from Masters’ Works

While you don’t need to copy others’ works all the time, sometimes you can try it! It’s because there’s a lot you can learn from doing so. E.g. by copying a work of Picasso or Da Vinci, you can learn a lot, that you hadn’t realized earlier, by just watching that masterpiece.

4. Draw from Photographs

Many people find it easier to reproduce a picture from a two-dimensional photograph than from an actual object, person or situation. While drawing from photographs, pay attention to shapes, edges and angles.

5. Start from Simple

While starting out, choose simple everyday objects as your subjects, e.g. your pet, furniture in your room, people around you and so on. If you like an apple, draw it. You can even draw your hand. Actually hands and feet are the most challenging parts of your anatomy to draw. If you can draw them, you can draw anything else.

6. Enroll for a Class

Taking a class is always helpful because there is a guide to mark and rectify your weaknesses. Also, you have others drawing around you and watching them is extremely beneficial. To find such a class, check your local schools, community colleges and universities etc. The best way is to inquire at your local art supply store.

Follow these tips and you will be encouraged to see your drawing skills improving.